PE and Sport Premium Funding

The Primary PE and sport premium is provided by the government in addition to main school funding. It is designed to improve the provision of PE and sport for the benefit of all children at Mytchett Primary & Nursery Academy, so that they develop and maintain healthy, active lifestyles, and are equipped for lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

We will evaluate the impact and sustainability of the Sports Premium Funding as part of our normal self-evaluation arrangements. We will look at how well we use the Funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sporting provision, so that all pupils develop the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary for a healthy, active lifestyle. We aim to ensure that the impact is sustainable for all pupils beyond the period of funding.

Measuring the impact of the activities provided can be achieved in the following ways:

• Audit the numbers of pupils involved in out-of-school clubs, which promote healthy lifestyles
• Assess the progress in PE and sport
• Monitor pupil participation, interest and standards in competitive sport
• Consider other areas of development including self-esteem, confidence and attitudes towards physical activity
• Consider pupil voice and assess the standards of physical development during social times
• Assess the impact of professional development in improving the teaching and learning of PE and sport

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