
Our Nursery offers enabling and stimulating environments, both indoors and outdoors, provided by our nurturing and committed team.  The children’s wellbeing, safety and happiness are at the heart of our ethos.  Children are encouraged to take risks and feel challenged in an environment that embraces their curious, inquisitive nature.

Nursery Sessions, Funding and Fees

All 3 year olds become entitled to 15 hours of Free Early Education from the Government from the beginning of the term after their third birthday and as a rule, this is when children start in either session A or B at Mytchett Nursery - if there is space!

Session Timings

Arrival Window 8:45am 9:00am, Collection Window 2:55pm – 3:05pm

Session A - All day Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesday (11.25am Session end)

Session B - Wednesday afternoon (12:15pm Session start) and all day Thursday and Friday

Session C - All day Monday - Friday

Currently we will consider a child starting in Nursery immediately after they turn 3 but only if there is a space and parents are willing to pay for 15 hours Early Education for each week remaining in the term.

There are a limited number of places available in Mytchett Nursery for those children whose parents qualify for 30 hours of free childcare from the Government.  These children attend Nursery on Monday to Friday. 

If you are interested in this option, please click here for more information and to see if you are eligible.  Please also see further guidance at the bottom of this page.

We do offer a small number of 15 hour places for 2 year olds starting in the term after their second birthday.  If you think you might be eligible for FEET funding, please click here for more guidance  -  FEET funded children  will always  be given priority consideration but if the demand isn't there,  places will be offered either to 3 or 4 year olds in receipt in 15 hours of UFEE or as 15 hour per week 2 year old paid places.

Nursery fees are  £97.50 per week for a 15 hour paid place which equates to £6.50 per hour.  An invoice will be raised at the beginning of each half term and parents will be expected to pay this by return.  Acceptable payment methods are BACs or childcare vouchers.  Although the Nursery actually provides 30 hours and 50 minutes of early education per week in order to ensure an efficient changeover between sessions on a Wednesday, parents of full time children are not charged for this extra time.  You should not expect any further charges unless you wish your child to take a school lunch on their full days in the nursery.

When your child starts in the Nursery, we ask for a voluntary contribution of £20 per year to help us fund special activities, treats and other extras for the children.  While we hope for a donation, you are not obliged to contribute.

Admission Arrangements for Mytchett Nursery 2024-25

Nursery Application Form

Information for Parents – Eligibility for 30 hours Funding

30 Hours Funding Application Flow Chart

30 Hours Reconfirmation Process

How to find your code

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