Special Education Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

At Mytchett Primary & Nursery Academy, we provide an inclusive education and we strive to ensure that we meet the needs of all our pupils, including those with specific needs. We recognise that every child is unique and that children learn and progress at different rates. Many children at some time in their school journey will have additional needs of some kind, whether in terms of learning, communication and interaction, physical and sensory, or social and emotional needs. Most additional needs are met by ordinarily available provision within the classroom. However, some provision is made through a variety of interventions, resources and activities outside of the classroom. We also work closely outside agencies, where appropriate.

The information in this section will explain how we provide support in more detail. Should you have any further questions, please contact our SENCo, Mrs Collins, via the school office on 01252 544009 or email senco@mytchett.kite.academy. Mrs Collins's working days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Our governor with responsibility for SEND is Sarah Hughes.

Further SEND resources and signposting to support families are available here.

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

SEND Provision Map

SEND Quick Guide for Parents

Useful Leaflets for Parents and Carers

How Can Occupational Therapy Support Your Child?

Understanding Childhood – Emotional Development From Birth to Adulthood

Child’s Experience of Primary School

Overactive Child

Divorce and Separation


Web Links for Parents

ELSA support for children

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