
Is your child starting school in September 2025?

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, you will need to apply for a school place for September 2025.  We would be delighted to welcome you to Mytchett Primary & Nursery Academy!

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, you will need to apply for a school place for September 2025. We would be delighted to welcome you to Sandringham Infant & Nursery Academy! Our 'Explore our Academy' page includes an interactive map of our academy and our 'Ofsted' page contains a detailed report of our school from our inspection in February 2024.

We believe that the best way to get to know our school is to visit us in person and speak to our wonderful staff and pupils. We are delighted to be able to offer tours in the autumn term each year for prospective families - please contact the academy office on 01252 544009 for more information or visit our Eventbrite page to book a place. Tours will be held every week until the application deadline, which is 15th January 2025.

Mytchett Primary & Nursery Academy also offers places for Y3 for children moving on from an infant school.

How to apply

You can apply for a school place for September 2025 between 4th November 2024 and 15th January 2025.

If you live in Surrey, you can find further information about school admissions and apply online here or you can call 0300 200 1004.  If you live in Hampshire, you can find further information about school admissions and apply online here or you can call 0300 555 1377.

Mytchett Primary & Nursery Academy has a Published Admissions Number (PAN) of 30 for initial entry (Reception Class) and 2 for entry to Year 3 (meaning an additional 2 places are available for children to join our Year 3 class).

The Kite Academy Trust is the admission authority for all its academies.  The allocation of school places at initial entry (Reception Class) and entry to Year 3 (having attended an infant school) is co-ordinated by the Local Authority Admissions Team in accordance with our published admission arrangements (see below).

Once places have been offered by the Local Authority, any waiting list for places will be ranked according to our oversubscription criteria and managed by Mytchett Primary & Nursery Academy.

Admissions Arrangements 2025

Admissions Appeals

Supplementary Information Form - Exceptional Social or Medical Need

Supplementary Information Form - Children of Staff

Moving schools?

Applying for a place at a school during the academic year and outside of the normal round of admissions (as described above) is called an ‘in-year admission'.  An in-year admission may be made, for example, if you move house and your child can no longer attend their current school. Any parent can apply for a place at Mytchett Primary & Nursery Academy at any time.

In-year admissions are managed by Mytchett Primary & Nursery Academy.  Applications should be made using the application form below and submitted to:

Academy Office
Mytchett Primary & Nursery Academy
Hamesmoor Road
GU16 6JB

Alternatively, applications can be submitted to

Guidance notes can be found below.  A hard copy of these notes and the application form is also available from the academy office.

Upon receipt of an in-year application, the academy will aim to notify the parents of the outcome of their application in writing within 10 school days and no later than 15 school days.  Where an application is refused, there is the right to appeal.  Details of how to appeal can be found below.

Where an applicant is offered a school place following an in-year application, and the offer is accepted, arrangements will be made for the child to start school as soon as possible, particularly where the child is out of school.

In-year Admission Application Form

Supplementary Information Form - Exceptional Social & Medical Need

Supplementary Information Form - Children of Staff

Right to Appeal

All parents have a right to express a preference for the school they would like their child to attend.  The admission authority must offer a place at that school unless there is a legal reason for refusing a place.  All parents have the right to appeal against any decision made by or on behalf of an admission authority as to the school their child attends under legislation produced by the Department for Education (DfE).  For information about the appeals process, please visit

Admissions Appeals Timetable 2025

Admissions Arrangements 2026/27

Our admissions arrangements for the academic year 2026/27 were determined by the Board of Trustees at their meeting on 13th February 2025.

Admissions Arrangements 2026

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