Family & Friends of Mytchett Primary School

Welcome to FFMPS

We are the Family and Friends of Mytchett Primary School (FFMPS).  We are a registered charity that exists not only to fundraise but to build closer links between home and school.  We are bringing staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, creating a community with a common goal.


In recent years FFMPS has raised thousands of pounds, which has been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education experience and the school’s facilities.  This includes outdoor sails to give sun cover for the classrooms, a minibus, learn pads, smart whiteboards, PE shed, event sports PE kit, a PA system, gazebos, library books, science books, leavers bookers, sand table, hose pipe for the gardening club, garden sheds - all to name but a few!


Throughout the year, we run events to raise money.  Some of our most popular events are the Spooky Disco, Family Fireworks, Panto, Christmas Shopping Day, Adults Bingo Evening, May Fair, Quiz night and have even had family camping!

Not all of our events are run as big fundraisers; some are more about the children’s enjoyment than about raising funds, like the children’s Christmas Shopping Day, where they get the opportunity to choose and wrap presents for members of their family.  The aim is to give the children a good time!

You can help fundraise straight away if you shop online at  Please sign up to, selecting Family & Friends of Mytchett Primary School as your charity.  Then every eligible purchase you make, Amazon will give a percentage to the school.  It is as simple as that, you can raise funds for free.

We advertise our events and communicate with parents via the FFPMS Facebook page.

Volunteer to Help

We welcome all offers of help, from wrapping gifts, preparing raffle tickets to planning our Mayfair and Fireworks night.  Any time you can donate is of value to us.  We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the help that we receive.

If you would like to be more involved, join our Committee.  Or you can simply support the AGM and give us your ideas for fundraising events.  This is also the time to ask questions or voice your opinion.

If you have any contacts or skills we could use, please let us know - everything is potentially valuable to us!

Contact Us

Email –

Facebook Page – FFMPS

If you have trouble with the link, go to Facebook and search for Family and Friends of Mytchett Primary School.  This is a closed group, and your request will be confirmed via the school office.

Registered charity no: 1104253 Charity Commission for England & Wales

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